Ed Drake

hooked on CoolBoard

Ed’s first comments:

‘Love the coolboards! It is by far the best type of balance board i have used, because it isnt just one axis, Chemmy has been using it and only has good things to say about it also.
I was using it in the build up to the games and was in the gym with Chemmy, who is friends with lots of the men and women on the world cup tour (im still only just getting to know them!) but anyway we were down in the gym using the CoolBoard when Axel Lund Svindal came down (best all round skier in the world) and he tried it and thought it was great, it was actually hard to get him off the thing!!!’

Quotes from Ed Drake’s CoolBoard interview

  • ‘there are many small movements in skiing that are hard to replicate in the gym… so to have CoolBoard which works these muscles is fantastic’
  • ‘CoolBoard has been crucial to my training…. and I can feel the benefits in balance and stability when skiing’
  • ‘CoolBoard adds spice and variety to training’
  • ‘I used CoolBoard for knee rehab – CoolBoard is a great step – it works the small muscles and adds stability’

See Ed Drake’s CoolBoard Interview video.

introducing CoolBoard

The world’s only true 360° balance board, and the best for Skiers and Snowboarders. If you’re a Skier you can find out why here, and Snowboarders here.

Ski & Snowboard Workout for CoolBoard

ski exercise fitness workout snowboard exercise fitness workout for coolboard balance board

Boost your Ski Fitness with our Ski Specific Workout Booklet.  Get 12 Ski specific exercises to do with your CoolBoard.  All exercises include tips for progression.

Ed Drake has been Britain’s number one male Alpine skier, Olympian, 4 times British Champion, and still uses CoolBoard in his training after realising the benefits.

After competing in the 2010 Winter Olympics and achieving 4 top 40 results in Alpine events he had several problems with injury which will made selection for the 2014 Olympics a big ask.

Ed has now retired from competing in skiing, citing that the work load had become too much.  Since the collapse of SnowsportGB he not only had to do all the training, competing and media activities a top athlete must do, but also to provide all of his own funding.  This is a very big ask for anyone, and after successfully managing it all for some time, he decided to call it a day in 2016.

“I want to be an Olympian and ultimately my main goal is to win it. You’ve got to shoot high.

Ed Drake commented that ‘Being in the Olympics is something that I have dreamed about since I first pulled on a start bib. I would have not been able to realise this dream without my family, friends, sponsors and supporters. The Olympic Games are the pinnacle of our sport, that is where I plan to bring out my best performance!

Ed is still very active in the world of skiing, and you’ll see and hear him on TV, radio and social media.  He hopes that our future talent gets the funding and support it will need in order to bring success back to UK skiing.

Related Ski Training links

See what Chemmy has to say about CoolBoard.

Read about CoolBoard for Skiers.

Ed’s Facebook page.