Appropriate fitness for the Aging – 10,000 steps not enough

Strengthening and balance activities are vital for future wellbeing, says Public Health England

Muscle strengthening and balance have been largely forgotten.

A review co-written by the Centre for Aging Better and Public Health England has highlighted the need for people to engage in strengthening and balancing activities.  The review put specific emphasis on the older population.

The focus on doing 10,000 steps a day is no longer seen as enough to keep fit, healthy and mobile.  The steps provide a low rate cardiovascular workout, which has many health benefits, including circulation and the health of heart and lungs.  However 10,000 steps does not work strength and balance enough.

How likely we are to fall dramatically increases and how well we can recover from a fall dramatically decreases as we age.

Benefits of Balance and Strength

Balance and strengthening activities not only help avoid falls, they also improve mood, sleeping patterns, increase energy levels and reduce the risk of an early death.

Our confidence is also closely related to our balance and strength.  If we feel infirm we are far less likely to keep active, which then exacerbates the situation.

Peter Smith, 75, on his CoolBoard Wobble Board. He is doing balance exercise for elderly on the Easy Start Balance Disc using a chair for support.

Peter Smith – 74 – Using CoolBoard wobble board on our Easy Start Balance Disc

Frances Smith, 70, on her CoolBoard Balance Board. She is doing balance exercise for elderly on the Pro Ball using a chair for support.

Frances Smith – 69 – full balance up on the Ball

What the experts say

Jess Kuehne of the Centre for Ageing Better added: “It’s clear that we need to give equal weighting to activities that boost muscle and bone strength and improve balance rather than simply focusing on aerobic exercise.”

“There is significant potential to make savings to health and social care services if we do more to promote muscle strengthening and balance activities and recognise their role in helping to keep people healthy and independent for longer, particularly as they age.”

How CoolBoard balance trainer can help

The report gives several suggestions for activates to aid balance and strength, but they are missing one of the most simple, most easily accessible, and most effective – the balance board, or wobble board as its also known.

CoolBoard use is fantastic for keeping mobile, healthy and confident as we age.  Start easy on our Easy Start Balance Disc – making CoolBoard the world’s best wobble board.  Progress onto our Ball to increase your balance and strength workout.

CoolBoard can be used easily in many places.  10 minutes a day will have great benefits.  Use CoolBoard while watching TV or with friends.  You can even start while seated to introduce some gentle lower limb movement and increase circulation.

Written by Nic – CoolBoard Founder – while balancing on a CoolBoard at a standing desk.

…as you age it really is a case of use it or lose it…

Frances Smith – 69 – CoolBoard regular

Further reading and links:

Using CoolBoard for Exercise for Elderly and Activities for Elderly

Weds 4 Jul 2018 – Guardian Article – People not getting enough exercise from long walks – report

Centre for Aging Better – keeping physically active as we age

Centre for Aging Better – major health benefits of strength and balance

Public Health England – Major health benefits from strengthening and balance activity

  • The only true 360 / 3D balance board

    Unique and patented.

  • Progressive use for all abilities

    From Olympians to wheelchair users and stroke victims.

  • Fantastic physical and mental benefits

    70 Exercises to bring instability training to your whole body.

  • Built to last a lifetime

    Handmade in Bristol, UK. Local & Eco.

introducing CoolBoard Starter Package

Medium CoolBoard wobble board with Disc 2

Accessible to all, CoolBoard Wobble Board is the most progressive wobble board available.  Ideal balance exercise for elderly, enabling more activities for elderly.  The easiest entry into balance exercise for elderly.