team riders

Jenny Jones
Team Riders
After meeting the lovely Jenny at the Metro Ski Show in 2010, she spent some time with us selecting the best CoolBoard package for her training. Jenny could obviously see the training benefits of CoolBoard and wanted a piece of us!…

Danny MacAskill
Team Riders
Professional street trials rider
Danny has a dear place in my heart... I first met him at the very first show we did – Bristol’s Rat Race back in 2006. He was as green as I was... we got on great and he instantly fell for CoolBoard…

Tehillah McGuiness
Team Riders
Tehillah comes from my home from home – South Africa. After years of successfully competing on the South African Surf Circuit her and her family moved to the Poole, UK... which meant she was suddenly removed from her daily wave and fitness…

Rhys Melia
Team Riders
We first met fencer Rhys through his coach Glen Golding. Glen approached us wanting to get his top students the best training equipment he could, and realising that CoolBoard worked fitness in a way that is difficult to do but so…

Fred Syverson
Team Riders
Fred found us at the Metro Ski Show a couple of years ago... and what a fun, nice and knowledgeable man he is! Having been professionally skiing for longer than most professionals have been alive, not to mention surviving his amazing jump...…

Liam Turner
Team Riders
We first started supporting UK surfer Liam when he was just 12 and his dad came to us wanting to get Liam the best edge in his surf training. Instantly seeing Liam’s potential at such a young age, and knowing that this stage in his development…

Oli Adams
Team Riders
‘CoolBoard rules!’ – Oli’s quote! No explanation needed!
We met Oli through his surf personal trainer and CoolBoard advocate Lee Stanbury. Lee had been using CoolBoard for a couple of years, and thought that Oli could do with…